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P509 Friends & Families!
While P509 does its best to keep our athletes safe, we do need your help as well!
Please read these highlighted points of our COVID Policies letter below to note how you can do your part in keeping our athletes safe.
-We are providing ample hand sanitizer throughout the gym and accepting donations of sanitizer if you find some!
-We request that one parent at most remain in the gym during practice for ages 5 and under only, so we maintain our capacity limitations.
-Parents of athletes, ages 6 and up, are requested to wait outside and watch through our windows or we’ll open garage doors on nice days so parents can sit and watch from outside!
-Foot traffic is a one-way flow, entering through our main entrance (west side of the building) and exiting through the center door at the east side of the parent section.
-Coaches and staff will continue cleaning the gym regularly with anti-bacterial solutions throughout the entire day including in-between classes.
We are stronger together!
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